
In 2003-2004, he received additional training in the most important subjects in the field of innovation management at the Institute of Management and Finance at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
He graduated with honors from the Kirovograd Institute of Regional Management and Economics, where he received a degree in accounting and auditing. Thanks to his successful studies and victory in the All-Ukrainian competition of young economists for writing a research paper "How to overcome poverty in Ukraine?", he received an award from Viktor Yushchenko in 2001. And he was transferred from the 2nd to the 4th year of the institute. This allowed him to get a full higher education in economics at the age of 19 in 2004. Then he graduated from the Kyiv Educational and Research Institute of Law named after Prince Vladimir the Great with a degree in law enforcement. He has been trained and has permits to carry out appraisal activities from the State Property Fund; to carry out activities of an insolvency officer from the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. Economy and the Ministry of Justice. Ministry of Justice. 
He graduated from the specialized general education institution of I-III levels N6 in Pervomaisk, Luhansk region, in 1999. In 2000, he passed the 10-11 grade exams at Alexandria Secondary School N10 in Kirovograd Oblast with excellent results. 
