Month: August 2012

  • Inter Every year, millions of hryvnias are stolen during road repairs in Ukraine

    "Podrobytky continues its series of stories about Ukrainian roads. Domestic motorists say that there are only a few highways in the country that can be driven comfortably. The rest are potholes on top of potholes. Moreover, millions are spent on their repair every year. Roman Bochkala conducted an experiment and found out how much it really costs to lay asphalt. Roman Bochkala, correspondent: - A year ago, there were no potholes...

  • Інтер Золоті дороги Александрії

    Inter Golden Roads of Alexandria

    "Podrobytky continues its series of stories about Ukrainian roads. Domestic motorists say that there are only a few highways in the country that can be driven comfortably. The rest are potholes on top of potholes. Moreover, millions are spent on their repair every year. Roman Bochkala conducted an experiment and found out how much it really costs to lay asphalt. Roman Bochkala, correspondent: - A year ago, there were no potholes...
