Expert: New Kyiv fares do not take into account advertising revenues

The structure of Kyivpastrans's public transportation fare does not include advertising revenues.

Viktor Medvid, director of the consulting company Invest-Expert, said this in a commentary to GolosUA.

According to him, the fare could be reduced by covering some costs not at the expense of passengers, but at the expense of revenues from advertising in public transport.

"A month ago, for example, the subway tariff structure was revealed. It says: advertising revenues - 0. It turns out that part of the money that could be used to pay off the cost of travel is not taken into account at all," the expert said.

In addition, only in the subway, using turnstiles, is there an accurate count of the number of passengers, which is not the case in other types of public transport. Therefore, it is a problematic task to find out how much Kyivpastarns actually earns. Perhaps, the expert emphasized, the company needs to raise tariff less than its management claims.

"To this day, there is no clear control over the number of passengers being transported. This is done by the old method of some incomprehensible checks. There is no proper accounting. Everyone sees in the transport how these tickets are sold, how they are composted, etc. Therefore, we cannot talk about the objectivity of the tariff formation," Medved said.

Earlier it became known that Kyivpastrans is planning a new increase in fares for public transportation in the capital. According to Kyivpastrans, the economically justified fare for a tram and trolleybus is UAH 3.6, for a bus - UAH 4.22, and for an electric train - UAH 5.51.


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