Month: August 2016

  • Наголос Медвідь 29.08.2016

    Emphasis Medved 29.08.2016

    With the arrival of fall, a new political season will begin. So the Verkhovna Rada and the government will once again address urgent issues. This includes the adoption of the budget for 2017. Undoubtedly, Ukrainians are most interested in the social items of the budget. Experts say that the discussion of tariffs will not be the last. So, we will talk about the top topics of the fall of 2016 and the country's socio-economic prospects with our guest on the program....

  • Шок для киян: влада має намір підвищити вартість проїзду в метро втричі

    Shock for Kyiv residents: authorities intend to triple subway fares

    The press conference will be attended by: - Viktor Medved, director of William invest expert consulting company; - Ivan Saliy, former mayor of Kyiv; - Vyacheslav Konovalov, transportation expert.

  • Ціна проїзду в метро не може зростати швидше, ніж доходи киян – експерт

    Expert: Metro fares cannot rise faster than Kyiv residents' incomes

    Subway fares cannot rise faster than the income level of Kyiv residents. This opinion was expressed by Viktor Medvid, director of the William invest expert consulting company, in a comment to a GolosUA correspondent. "As for the reasons for the cost price, there are none, because the overall inflation rate for both last year and this year is up to 30% per year. Therefore, if...
