Expert: Ukraine ignores the rights of citizens driving cars with Lithuanian license plates

In Ukraine, the rights of citizens driving cars with Lithuanian license plates are ignored.

This opinion was expressed by Viktor Medvid, director of the William invest expert consulting company, during a press conference at the GolosUA news agency.

"The state is starting to intimidate people, first by introducing fines, then by confiscating cars to repress the population, and mainly its marginalized groups," Medved said.

"I would certainly not recommend buying cars with foreign license plates, as the number of risks is much greater than the benefits. You will spend $1.5 thousand on a car, and in a year this car may be taken away from you," the expert emphasized.

According to the expert, this is a psychological door method: they reinforced one thing, then another, and then it is possible that law enforcement officers will drive these cars, so there is someone to drive these cars.

"This issue should be regulated in the Verkhovna Rada, but only the interests of strong and rich people are lobbied there," Medved summarized.

As a reminder, illegally imported cars with Lithuanian license plates may be confiscated in Ukraine.

The Lithuanian Customs Department has reported on the results of inspections of the legality of car exports to Ukraine. According to the report of the Lithuanian Customs Department, more than 59 thousand cars were exported from Lithuania to Ukraine in violation of existing legislation, i.e. with gross violations of customs rules.

According to experts, this could seriously affect the so-called owners of cars with Lithuanian license plates who imported them as company employees. Lithuania has very strict penalties for tax evasion, according to Verslo žinios.

Owners or shareholders of such Lithuanian companies can be charged under three articles of the Lithuanian criminal code at once. These include embezzlement of company funds, tax evasion, and massive hiring of illegal workers (after all, according to documents, Ukrainian "owners" of Lithuanian cars are drivers of such companies).

Ukrainian owners of such cars with Lithuanian license plates imported into our country with the help of companies involved in fraud will face serious problems. In particular, when crossing the border of Ukraine with one of the European countries, such a car may be confiscated. Or, if the Ukrainian authorities receive information about such illegal cars, they can identify, detain and confiscate these cars themselves.


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