1+1 Hroshi "Route Mafia" in Kyiv: almost every second car is driven illegally. Viktor Medved

Transport Inspection: Almost every second minibus in the capital runs illegally In Kyiv, journalists conducted a transport inspection and tried to find out how minibus operators eliminate competitors in the capital. This is described in the story of the program "Hroshi". It turns out that almost every second minibus is operating illegally. According to the documents, Ukrainians drive brand new minibuses, but in reality, some of the vehicles will soon be 20 years old. "They overhaul the engine on paper, but they may not actually do it, and the car that was built in 2000 becomes a 2017 model," said lawyer Viktor Medvid.

Such falsification is a way to eliminate competitors for the most profitable route, so the new fleet is powerless against the "rusty veterans." "The blacker the market, the greater the flow of corruption. No one is interested in transparent transportation," the lawyer believes. The Transport Security Service and the transport department of the Kyiv City State Administration are responsible for minibuses in the capital. Experts say that no one will enter the market without these agencies. They say each route has its own fare, depending on profitability. "One route can bring in 30-40 thousand dollars per season," said the lawyer. The journalists rented a Bohdan, came up with a number, and set off on one of Kyiv's most popular routes. Of course, the bus did not go unnoticed - the journalists began to receive threats from sharks in the "route business."



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