The money allocated for the roads of Kyiv region will only maintain the current level of accidents

The 1.2 billion hryvnias allocated for road works in Kyiv region this year will only be enough to maintain their current condition.

This was stated by Viktor Medvid, head of the consulting company William Invest Expert, in a commentary to GolosUA.

"The total cost of the work required is approximately UAH 2 trillion. This is to do it perfectly. We can say that the roads in Kyiv region require 100 billion, respectively. With funding of 1 billion, we can complete the scope of work plus or minus 1 % from the required ideal. Therefore, this is a continuation of the era of maintaining the current level of accidents. We have 1-2 % as a percentage of outage and about 1-2 % as what is being done. That is why we keep the overall accident rate at 7 %," said Viktor Medvid.

According to the expert, Ukraine does not allocate enough funds for road repairs.

"The amount of funding of 80 billion, which is planned today, is the level of support for the current level of accidents. We are not getting out of this situation. Even if a road is repaired, another road fails. We need to repair them at a faster pace. A 10-year road repair program would be optimal, and accordingly, the level of funding should be 300 billion per year. We have 80 billion, of which at best about 50 billion goes directly to roads and debt service. This is at the level of 15 % of what is needed," Viktor Medvid summarized.


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