Arrest and deprivation of driver's license is an adequate punishment for drunk driving. Victor at the press conference of Voice of the People

Most road accidents in Ukraine are not caused by drunk driving.

Viktor Medvid, director of William Invest Expert consulting company, told this at a press conference at GolosUA.

"Statistics show that about 20 percent of % accidents involve people who are intoxicated. 80 % accidents are not caused by driver error, including intoxication. Of these, 44 % are due to maneuvering on the road, i.e. changing direction, and about 20 % are related to speeding. The main reason for the problems with accidents is that our infrastructure has remained at the level of the 90s, with the number of cars increasing by 3 to 5 times, according to various estimates. Today's roads do not meet the requirements that would make it possible to safely carry out appropriate maneuvers or properly regulate speed limits," said Viktor Medvid.

According to the expert, increasing fines for drunken driving will not help road safety.

"I believe that the main factor that can reduce the number of road accidents, including fatal ones, is not the fight against people who are intoxicated, but rather the improvement of transport infrastructure. Of course, increasing fines does not have the same effect due to the stratification of incomes. For some people, this fine is a six-month salary, for others it is a fine of their daily earnings. I believe that arrest and deprivation of driver's license is an adequate measure," said Viktor Medvid.

As a reminder, on the evening of July 11, 2020, a car accident occurred on the Staroobukhiv highway 5 kilometers from Kyiv, in which Hyundai and Mercedes cars collided. According to preliminary data, three people died.


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