Kyiv hosts large-scale all-Ukrainian anti-corruption forum with guest speaker Viktor Medved

On Thursday, December 10, a large-scale all-Ukrainian anti-corruption forum dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day was held in Kyiv. The event was attended by representatives of the NGO Stop Corruption from all regions of Ukraine, as well as prominent politicians, entrepreneurs, political scientists, law enforcement officers, and representatives of NGOs.

Fighting corruption is the first and main stated goal of all participants of the event. According to the organizers, this year the capacity of the anti-corruption team has grown significantly, and in 2020, the NGO Stop Corruption received the status of an all-Ukrainian organization, opening 20 more branches across the country. This was stated by the coordinator of the organization, Honored Journalist of Ukraine Roman Bochkala.

Viktor Medved also participated in this forum as a resident.

He emphasized the organic nature of the path taken and the acquisition of a new status.

"Five years ago, when we were registering, the Ministry of Justice offered me to create an NGO at once. I refused, because it was supposed to be an organic path that we had to take. As far as anti-corruption organizations are concerned, there is probably no one else like this huge all-Ukrainian network."Bochkala said.

The strengthening of positions was confirmed by the new statuses of some members of the organization. For example, according to the coordinator, the representative of the Marhanets branch could not come because of his new duties as acting mayor of the city.

According to the co-founder of the organization Bohdan KhmelnytskyIn just one year, lawyers of the NGO Stop Corruption processed almost 3 thousand appeals of citizens on the facts of abuse and violations.

In addition, about 1200 inquiries and appeals were filed by the human rights block "Stop Corruption" sent to law enforcement agencies. On that day, as part of the All-Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Forum, special trainings were held for local activists.

"Today we have invited various speakers here, including media professionals, political scientists, experts, etc., to conduct special trainings for our branches. Let me remind you that this year we have 80 of them, and I hope that this number will grow steadily," he said. said. Chairman of the Board of the organization Ihor Bondarchuk.

Some guests and speakers were awarded special thanks - for his significant contribution to the fight against corruption, lawlessness and abuse of power, promotion of democratic transformation in Ukraine, establishment of civil society and development of freedom of speech.

Another goal of the congress is to provide support and counseling to activists of the Stop Corruption NGO from different regions of Ukraine who face obstacles in their anti-corruption activities, including those from local authorities.
In particular, the local authorities of Izyum sue against the representatives of the local branch of the NGO Stop Corruption, allegedly for insulting their honor and dignity. The reason is that local anti-corruption activists have filed more than 100 reports of criminal offenses in the city over the two years of their activity. This was stated during the All-Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Forum by the head of the Yuri Kozlov.

Some activists also monitor compliance with environmental standards in their region in their daily lives. For example, they monitor and report illegal fishing, poaching, deforestation, etc. Raids are often conducted together with representatives of the State Environmental Inspectorate, who record violations.

In particular, according to the Advisor to the Head of the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine Dmytro ZarubaIn 2020, the State Environmental Inspectorate accrued violations worth 2 billion. At the same time, only UAH 59 million has been recovered through the courts and law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, according to the head of the National Platform political party Kateryna OdarchenkoUkraine will need at least 5 years to overcome corrupt image

Note, NGO "Stop Corruption" is a non-profit, independent organization that conducts independent anti-corruption investigations and human rights activities to prevent abuse of power, combat corruption and promote democratic transformation in Ukraine.

Local activists are involved in the investigations and the most pressing issues of local self-government and compliance with anti-corruption standards of the civil service are covered in the media. The team's efforts are focused on engaging citizens in solving local problems to make local authorities responsible and accountable.

The organization's structure consists of three functional departments: legal, human rights and media.
This year, due to the active increase in the number of separate units throughout Ukraine, the organization was granted the status of an all-Ukrainian organization, which the coordinators and team members are proud of.

Several times a year, the NGO initiates large-scale congresses of branches, where regional activists are trained in media literacy, journalism, political science, election technologies, law, etc.

In particular, the forum featured many workshops and trainings, such as how to properly record a crime if you witnessed it, how and with what to properly contact law enforcement agencies, and what evidence should be provided when recording a violation.

In turn, the editors of the Stop Corruption information portal shared their experience on how to create posts and the format of news content to make it interesting for the reader, focusing on social media, which is already part of the media today.

Experienced cameramen of the Stop Corruption news agency told us the secrets of how to shoot a video on a cell phone correctly and efficiently, and about its "necessary" and "useful" timing.

At this year's forum, the team also jointly developed effective mechanisms for combating corruption and participated in the UN Global Compact's "Joint Action Against Corruption" project.


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