Transferring railway stations to concession will negatively affect safety Viktor Medvid

The transfer of Ukrainian railway stations to concession will worsen compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, director of William Invest Expert Consulting Company.

Will the concession bring investment? The answer is no, it will not. Will it bring innovations? No, there will be no innovations. Will the monopoly be removed? No, the monopoly will not be removed. The state monopoly will simply become a private one. Will the quality increase? No, it will deteriorate, because sanitary and fire safety standards will deteriorate in order to increase the number of retail premises that are rented at a very high cost per square meter. Security will deteriorate, given that these are restricted facilities, they will be operated for other purposes, all these exits, passages, standards, and so on will be cluttered. Viktor Medved

In addition, the expert believes that the cost of railway tickets may increase after the transfer of stations to concession. According to him, any private business, unlike the state-owned one, will be engaged in work to earn a profit margin. This rate of return covers, among other things, the risks of investment. Accordingly, the cost of tickets will be higher.
