Expert: People with COVID-19 should not be subject to restrictions

People who have had the coronavirus should not be subject to restrictions as they have already been naturally vaccinated.

About. during the Right to Vote program Viktor Medved, director of the William invest expert consulting company, told the Golos UA news agency.

"There is the concept of personal health and the concept of epidemiological safety. The state should ensure epidemiological safety," the expert said.

From a legal point of view, where one person's rights end, another person's rights begin, and there is a delicate balance between where a person has the right to decide on their own health issues and where they do not violate the rights of others.

"More than 2.5 million people in Ukraine have been infected with the coronavirus, in fact, they have been naturally vaccinated," the speaker noted.

According to the expert, the Diia certificates do not mention people who have had covid and already have antibodies.

"It's absurd to think that such people should be artificially vaccinated if antibodies live in the human body for more than six months. It turns out that 2.5 million people, having already been vaccinated naturally, will have the same restrictions as those who have not been ill and have not been vaccinated," the expert stated.

Therefore, people need to be divided into three categories: those who have had the disease, then those who have been sick and vaccinated, and those who have not been sick and vaccinated.

"There should be a separate campaign for those who have been sick and vaccinated, explaining how necessary and safe the vaccine is for people who have been sick. The problem is that no one conducts such a campaign, and this is an important factor, since there is a very large percentage of people in Ukraine who have been ill and do not want to be vaccinated," the expert explained.
