Category: Uncategorized

  • У нових тарифах на проїзд у Києві не враховано доходи від реклами – експерт

    Expert: New Kyiv fares do not take into account advertising revenues

    The structure of Kyivpastrans's tariff for public transportation does not include revenues from advertising. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, director of the consulting company Invest-Expert, in a commentary to GolosUA. According to him, the cost of travel could be reduced by paying off some expenses not at the expense of passengers, but at the expense of revenues from advertising in transport. "A month...

  • In 2015 Ukraine will live on an anti-social budget - expert

    In 2015, Ukraine will live under an anti-social budget that will lead to economic stagnation. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, an expert of the Analytical Center "Prisma", during a briefing, VoiceUA reported. "The social policy of the state for the next year reflects the encouragement of a system where the poor become beggars and the "middle class" become poor," the expert believes. Medved reminded that the indexation of incomes for 2015...

  • Експерт: Чутки про подорожчання проїзду запускає влада, щоб дізнатися, наскільки можна “знахабніти”

    Expert: Rumors about fare hikes are started by the authorities to find out how much they can get "cocky"

    Certain negative information leaking to the media, including the recent "duck" about the increase in the cost of travel in the Kyiv metro, can be launched by the authorities themselves to see how the public reacts and the degree of possible outrage. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, director of the consulting company Invest-Expert, during a press conference at GolosUA. "If the information leak had not been made public...

  • Навіщо столичному метро підвищувати ціну проїзду?

    Why does the Moscow metro need to raise fares?

    On September 27, the GolosUA news agency hosted a press conference on the topic: "Why should the Kyiv metro raise fares?" The press conference was attended by: Viktor Medved, director of the consulting company Invest-Expert; Ivan Saliy, former mayor of Kyiv; and Vyacheslav Konovalov, transportation expert. The moderator was Yuriy Havrylechko, expert of the Public Safety Foundation. Yuriy Havrylechko: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear colleagues! Today at the GolosUA news agency we will discuss the topic: "Why...

  • Хто заробить на подорожчанні залізничних квитків?

    Who will make money from the rise in railway ticket prices?

    On July 16, the GolosUA news agency hosted a press conference on "Who will benefit from the rise in railway ticket prices?" The press conference was attended by: Viktor Medved, director of the consulting company Invest-Expert; Ildar Gazizullin, director of economic programs at the Institute for Public Policy; and Hryhoriy Spektor, editor of the transport newsletter Transpress. Moderator - Yuriy Havrylechko, expert at the Public Security Foundation. Yuriy Havrylechko: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear colleagues! The GolosUA news agency is starting a press conference on the following topic...

  • Яма на ямі: чому українські дороги ніяк не стануть схожими на німецькі. Ведмідь Віктор

    Pothole on pothole: why Ukrainian roads will never be like German ones. Viktor Medved

    Ukrainian roads are among the five worst in the world. They are second only to the roads in Madagascar. This fact is not too surprising, as each of us has experienced potholes and potholes on Ukrainian roads, as they say, "firsthand." Why does the asphalt come off Ukrainian roads with the snow every spring and who and where does the budget money go to?

  • ТСН Украдених грошей на дороги Євро-2012 вистачить на автобан Львів-Донецьк на 6 смуг!

    TSN The stolen money for Euro 2012 roads will be enough to build a 6-lane Lviv-Donetsk highway!

    The current state of the roads is due to the fact that 98% of all repairs are emergency repairs, says Viktor Medvid, an expert in evaluation at Invest-Expert consulting company. "The shelf life of this 'patching' is from 3 to 6 months. Accordingly, if the roads were patched last year, then in the spring there will be a complete mess. Roads are not being repaired because it is unprofitable, according to For example, the organization...
