Category: TV stories

  • Як ями на дорогах “викачують” гроші з кишень автомобілістів?

    How do potholes on the roads "siphon off" money from motorists' pockets?

    36 billion, 47 billion, 56 billion. Government spending on road repairs and maintenance is growing every year. This is one of the largest budget items. But even this money is not enough! There are too many potholes, too many greedy thieves, and problems have been accumulating for too long. As a result, bad roads are the main cause of accidents. In any civilized country, road services would already be...


    Channel 5: Kyiv is preparing to increase public transport fares - HIGHLIGHTS

    Fares for public transportation in Kyiv may soon rise to 8 hryvnias. Channel 5's Natalka Yurchuk finds out more about the reasons and timing of the fare increase. Anton Kozyr, a Kyiv resident, travels to work every day by public transport. On weekdays, he spends at least 40 hryvnias on transportation. He says that with his low salary, the rise in prices will significantly affect his budget. "If...

  • 1+1 Гроші “Маршрутна мафія” в Києві: майже кожне друге авто їздить нелегально.  Ведмідь Віктор

    1+1 Hroshi "Route Mafia" in Kyiv: almost every second car is driven illegally. Viktor Medved

    Transport Inspection: Almost every second minibus in the capital runs illegally In Kyiv, journalists conducted a transport inspection and tried to find out how minibus operators eliminate competitors in the capital. This is described in the story of the program "Money". It turns out that almost every second minibus is operating illegally. According to the documents, Ukrainians are driving brand new minibuses, but in reality, some of them will soon be 20 years old....

  • Head of the Rada Committee Viktor Medved: Raising the tariffs of Ukrzaliznytsia will hit the economy of Ukraine

    The increase in freight transportation tariffs is absolutely unjustified, says MP. Ukrzaliznytsia plans to raise tariffs for freight and passenger transportation, but a number of experts warn of the danger of such a step for the Ukrainian economy. Viktor Galasyuk, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, is convinced that the increase in railroad tariffs will hit every consumer and many entrepreneurs in Ukraine....

  • Інтер У 2017 році “Укрзалізниця” планує підвищити тарифи на 35%

    Inter In 2017, Ukrzaliznytsia plans to raise tariffs by 35%

    Another ministry prepared a New Year's present for Ukrainians. The Ministry of Infrastructure met with the management of Ukrzaliznytsia and decided that a 35% increase in tariffs for passengers and a 25TP3T increase for freight transportation was justified. Now the Cabinet of Ministers has the final say. Read more about whether Ukrainians will be happy with another increase in the story. Kyiv Railway Station. For many people, this is where Ukraine begins. Hundreds of different destinations...

  • Експерт про торгівлю людьми та безсилля правоохоронців. Віктор Медвідь

    An expert on human trafficking and the powerlessness of law enforcement. Viktor Medvid

    Viktor Medvid, director of William Invest Expert, a consulting company, believes that human trafficking in Ukraine "for some reason does not come to the attention of law enforcement agencies." "The trend of viral attacks will increase, the number of crimes will increase constantly with the growth of automation of all enterprises. That is why the world is now focusing on cybersecurity and trade-related areas...

  • Наголос Медвідь 29.08.2016

    Emphasis Medved 29.08.2016

    With the arrival of fall, a new political season will begin. So the Verkhovna Rada and the government will once again address urgent issues. This includes the adoption of the budget for 2017. Undoubtedly, Ukrainians are most interested in the social items of the budget. Experts say that the discussion of tariffs will not be the last. So, we will talk about the top topics of the fall of 2016 and the country's socio-economic prospects with our guest on the program....

  • Інтер Активісти вважають непрозорими вибори керівників митниці та податкової

    Inter Activists consider the election of heads of customs and tax authorities non-transparent

    New, and most importantly, honest faces are promised in the fiscal authorities soon. Olena Zorina will tell you how new and honest they are. Elite cars are parked near the fiscal service, but there are not many of them. Inside, for the second day in a row, regional heads of the fiscal service are being elected. The old-fashioned way: customs and tax officials. Olena Zorina, correspondent: - The public meeting for the inspection turns out to be not so...

  • Мером у Рубіжному залишається місцевий сепаратист Хоменко

    Local separatist Khomenko remains mayor of Rubizhne

    Invisible without past and present? Those who called to fight against Ukraine, its statehood, and its army in the cities occupied by terrorists are now in the liberated cities, and they have remained in place. Alla Matyushok will tell you more about them. The militants left, but those who actively helped them remained. Oleksandr Khomenko, the mayor of Rubizhne, is one of them. A month ago...

  • Інтер Крах компанії “Аеросвіт” залишив без зарплати її співробітників Віктор Медвідь Інтер

    Inter The collapse of Aerosvit left its employees without salaries Viktor Medved Inter

    The story of one of many bankruptcies. Raider bankruptcies. The financial collapse of Aerosvit left hundreds of its employees without pay. This is no longer news, but Oksana Grigorieva found out who and why the country's once largest air carrier went bankrupt. Oleh Pushniak, former flight attendant at Aerosvit: "I am owed 40 thousand hryvnias. And my wife is also owed 30...

  • Інтер Через неякісну техніку в Україні все частіше трапляються пожежі

    Inter Fires are happening more and more often in Ukraine due to poor-quality equipment

    Beware of dangerous appliances! The State Consumer Protection Inspectorate says that there are hundreds of low-quality household appliances on the shelves of supermarkets. They are causing homes to catch fire and people to die. Despite the ban, dangerous appliances are still being sold. Yevhen Onoprienko found out what kind of threat an ordinary electric kettle poses. About one and a half thousand hryvnias for one kettle, and another eight hundred for the second. Because of...
