Ukrainian government took an "expensive" loan from Cargill despite its own strategy to reduce state debt UNN Victor Medved
Attracting large foreign currency loans from foreign partners contradicts the Medium-Term Public Debt Management Strategy for 2019-2022. Economic expert Viktor Medvid said this in a commentary to UNN, commenting on the loan from the American corporation Cargill agreed by the Ukrainian government. It should be noted that over the past year, Ukraine has twice attracted loans from the private company Cargill. Thus, in October 2019...
Bad fuel is poison for a car! Every driver understands this. But many continue to fill up their cars at illegal gas stations to save money. There are dozens of them in Ukraine, and they are easy to distinguish from legitimate ones, usually just a tank on the side of the highway. But the quality of the gasoline and diesel fuel there is anyone's guess. The story by Mykhailo Manilyuk is...
Scaling of multinational companies in Ukraine requires legislative regulation
The activities of multinational companies in Ukraine are not regulated by law. But it should be, given their powerful influence, including on the country's agricultural and financial sectors. This was stated in a commentary to UNN by economist and banking expert Viktor Medvid. As an example, the expert spoke about the activities of a subsidiary of the transnational corporation Cargill. "Cargill has been operating in Ukraine for over 20 years....
Scaling of multinational companies in Ukraine requires legislative regulation
The activities of multinational companies in Ukraine are not regulated by law. But it should be, given their powerful influence, in particular on the country's agricultural and financial sectors. This was stated in a commentary to UNN by economist and banking expert Viktor Medvid. As an example, the expert spoke about the activities of a subsidiary of the transnational corporation Cargill. "Cargill has been operating in Ukraine for over 20 years. In the 90s...
Arrest and deprivation of driver's license is an adequate punishment for drunk driving. Victor at the press conference of Voice of the People
Most road accidents in Ukraine are not related to drunken driving. Viktor Medvid, director of William Invest Expert consulting company, told GolosUA at a press conference. "Statistics show that about 20 % accidents involve people in a state of intoxication. 80 % accidents are not caused by driver error, including intoxication. Of these, 44 %...
The price of punishment and the real results of Suprun's "medical reform" in Ukraine. Victor Medved
We need to make fewer emotional and political statements and more rational ones," says Viktor Medvid, director of a consulting company. "Even the head of the Ministry of Health and the chief sanitary doctor Lyashko admit that many statements and decisions are made solely for political and psychological reasons. And this creates distrust among the population in various health standards and quarantine rules.
Fines for quarantine violations in Ukraine should be smaller but more frequently used. The voice of Yu. Viktor Medvid
The Ukrainian government's policy of "adaptive quarantine" is justified. This was stated at a press conference at GolosUA by Viktor Medvid, head of the consulting company William Invest Expert. "Today, the policy pursued by the Cabinet of Ministers is adequate, first of all, in conducting explanatory work so that people are vigilant. The correct position is that, according to the law on sanitary and epidemiological measures, the introduction of quarantine is regulated by the...
Why quarantine measures are not effective in transportation and shops. EchoKyiv, Viktor Medvid
In March, the quarantine was introduced due to fear and disorganization, so the authorities' decisions were not rational. All this led to an economic downturn and the failure to implement many restrictive measures. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, Director of William Invest Expert invest Consulting Company, during a press briefing on "Transport restrictions and fines: what should Ukrainians prepare for after the quarantine is tightened?",...
The money allocated for the roads of Kyiv region will only maintain the current level of accidents
The UAH 1.2 billion allocated for road works in Kyiv region this year will be enough only to maintain their current condition. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, the head of the consulting company William Invest Expert, in a commentary to GolosUA. "The total cost of the necessary work is approximately UAH 2 trillion. This is to do it perfectly. We can say that the roads of Kyiv...
Bridge collapses may become more frequent in Ukraine - Victor Medved on
The collapse of the bridge over the Chortomlyk River in the Nikopol district of Dnipropetrovs'k region has shown that Ukraine's infrastructure is not properly funded. This was stated by Viktor Medvid, director of William Invest Expert consulting company, in a commentary to GolosUA. "The issue is that infrastructure is financed on a residual basis. Construction is a secondary factor, but infrastructure maintenance is funded on a residual basis. Bridges...